Saturday, February 1, 2020 | 3-7 pm
Sold Out

CULPEPER, VA // Saturday, February 1, 2020 // 3-7 pm // Sold Out

So, Who even are you anyway?

Hi, I'm Rebekah! Team dogs. Meme lover extreme.

In addition to running my own business, I have also assisted and second shot for more than 30 different photographers at 200-some weddings over the past 7 years. More importantly though, I am a wife, dog mom, foodie, Charleston addict, and woman of faith. Can't wait to meet you!



Hi, I'm Nichole! Team cats. Super-nurse in training.

I am a Washington, D.C. film Photographer whose passion is capturing and celebrating marriage and the special moments in life. When I'm not photographing weddings, you can find me spending time with my family, testing out new brunch recipes or curled up reading a book.

So, Who even are you anyway?





We want to joyfully educate photographers so they can serve their employers and clients better than ever before.

Our goal is for you to leave the workshop feeling enriched with knowledge and equipped with essential skills you need to get hired and dive into your next wedding with inspired confidence.